Friday, 8 April 2011

ANN 'Burn-Hard' BARNHARDT & The Church Militant!

Ann Barnhardt with her pink semi-automatic, ready to repel any aggressive Islamists
Angered by the limp-dicked appeasers of Islam prompted this lady firebrand to speak out. Thus after Mass one Sunday she set about self-scripting then filming herself delivering a punchy articulate diatribe (shown in 2pts) on Youtube. In the first part she tears into Sen. Lindsey Graham and others who would abandon sections of the American constitution, so as not to offend (the hyper-reactionary Muslims). Ann correctly understands that by shackling our Western free-speech tradition, and not being to allowed to even criticise the obvious barbarisms of Islam is the first stage in slavery. Thus self-censorship is the fools method of voluntary Dhimmitude. Thus this 2-part video was followed up in a subsequent interview on Blog radio, wherein Ann makes it crystal clear that in no way will she suffer a female genital mutilation of the mind, and also advocates that men shouldn't lose their balls either, by prostration or by the Politically (in)correct constantly kowtowing to the demands of Muslims.

She shouts down all the deluded Marxist 'Multiculturalists' as small 'd' democrats, or the over-concillatory as small 'c' conservative republicans, plus many other species of quizling limp liberals who have already caved-in to the incessant clamouring of the Muslim hordes who always demand their rights be respected. At the very same time these Muslims trample on the rights of those of any other 'Religion' (witness the continual persecution of Coptic, Armenian, Sudanese & Nigerian Christians, as well as Jews, Hindus & Buddhists elsewhere). 

Ann Barnhardt joins many other brave women speakers like : Oriana Fallaci; Wafa Sultan, Brigitte Gabriel, Pamela Geller, Bat Yeor etc) in saying is time to make a stand, and to say Islam encroaches on our ancient democratic rights no further.  To emphasize how implacable her level of opposition is Ann read out about 15 abnoxious passages in the Quran (which she had humorously book-marked with strips of bacon), and ceremoniously burned them in a pyrex fire-beaker, banishing them back to Hell from whence they originated. She said that this was her own back-up of Pastor Jones' trial of the Koran for 'Crimes against Humanity', and after a jury had found it guilty it was sentenced to death and summarily burnt.

Now Ann is no mug, she knows that her video is likely to be used as an excuse for yet another 'Day of Rage' by foaming-at-the-mouth Muzzies. But lets face it almost anything from a wee cartoon to a teddy-bear called Mohammed  sends them into apoplexisms of rage, so what is new. What is new is that an increasing number of brave Americans, Europeans, Brits & Hindus are starting to stand up against this intimidation by saying NO to any more Islamic expansionism! Refusing to give up our right to free speech, Western-style democracies and the Cultural / Religious traditions that underpin them (such as Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism & Sikhism) is a fundamental stance.

It is Islam's stated objective (in the Quran) to take over the whole world by propaganda, forced conversion, or brutal slaughter, thereby creating Dar-al-Islam. Ann Barnhardt makes it clear that in her locale - that will be over her dead body. There will of course be Muslim thugs that think that will be as easy as killing the un-armed Rabbi Meir Kahane, Theo van Gough, Pim Fortun, or attempted stabbing of Kurt Westergaard & his wife (both in their 70's) - well Ann is considerably better armed and  already 'weapons hot', fully prepared to blow-away any Muslim radicals that attempt to kill her. Indeed she say "bring it on boys", as she is more than happy to take you out from 400yds with her sniper rifle; or at close quarters with her multi-action shotgun; or if they would like a woman's touch to send them on their way to the (delusional) 72 virgins then Ann will oblige with her customized pink semi-automatic with red-hearts stenciled on the mag. A final flourish would be pig-fat smeared bullets which would deliver a very haram coup-de-grace!

Oh how I love this woman's spirit!       - BAR KOKHBA

((and oh how proud generals George Patton & McArthur would have been of her resolute attack against the Quislings in the upper echelons of the US Army, as well as the hordes of a barbaric & uncultured enemy. Indeed such womanly bravery might even inspire Patton to rush out of Heaven and re-incarnate once more as a general, to brilliantly lead the Allied tanks & troops in the soon to come World War 3 (against the spread of militant Islam). For one does not need to be a Prophet to realize that after Europe slides into half a dozen small civil wars, and these wee wars join up with other on-going wars in Africa, the Middle-East & the Indonesian fringe - then they will all meld into one big World War 3 with Islamic expansionism as the primary cause, and the primary blockage to a lasting peace.))

in the meantime please watch Ann Barnhardt's videos, and listen to her passionate speeches on radio, and read her blogs at  (which started out as her buisiness website but morphed).

Here are the links to her 2-part videos on Youtube (soon I'll put up good copies)

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